July 10, 2012

Life without "Boob" is good

I'm a happy camper this week cause my boss (or as I call him "Boob" or "The bain of my existence") is away alllll week long.  I can actually do MY work as opposed to his little tasks (like planning his dental appointments or setting up his and his wife's new iPhones for an entire day).  So I've been getting my stuff done and it feels great to not be behind.  This also means I can show up when I want and leave when I want because there really isn't that much to do at this time of year so I can get my stuff done in about 2 hours.

I also planned my meals today for work!  In the morning I had 600ml of water with about a tablespoon of cayenne pepper and half a lemon squeezed in, I highly recommend the cayenne pepper and lemon water in the mornings! On the days that I do it, I honestly feel great.  I got the idea from a Facebook group I'm in Called Health Motivation that a very good friend of mine started for people to share food and exercise tips and to help motivate each other, I've found it very helpful (you can see it here).  For lunch I had one of my salads with my home made dressing.  I wasn't hungry at dinner time so I went for a walk with my friend and our mutts (another beautiful night) and when I got home I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich - I know!  So bad.

I find I eat better at work... does anyone else find that?  Why do my habits get unhealthy when I'm at home?