July 12, 2012

Asking for help...

We spent the evening driving around North Vancouver to go to local businesses to see if they would donate anything for the fundraiser I'm doing.  I'm looking for anything they can donate for a raffle that will be done at the car wash/bottle drive for Chelsea next weekend (you can read about Chelsea here and watch her story in the news here).  We hit up about 20 places including Restaurants, pubs, a spa and Canadian Tire asking for anything they can donate to us.  We are going to do a minimum $5 donation for a car wash with the option of donating more to get tickets in our raffle ($10 = 3 tix, $15 = 5 tix and $20 = 10 tix).  I'm hoping to raise around $10,000 for Chelsea and her family through this event and to be honest, I'm getting a little stressed out over the whole thing.  It's turned into a pretty big event with news teams planning to be there, newspapers advertising for the event and even the amount of people on Facebook getting involved - it's pretty overwhelming.  If there is anyone out there reading this that wants to volunteer time or donate anything, please get in contact with me, it would be greatly appreciated. =)

Now onto some food!

Since we left as soon as we got home from work today, we ate on the run.  Jeff ate Burger King (yuck) and I ate Subway.  My sandwich had no cheese (it's processed), no meat (I'm a vegetarian), no salt (It's in everything, why add more), and a bunch of veggies.  I know these veggies were picked awhile ago and have no nutrition because I'm already hungry.  I can eat a fresh salad with no bread or anything BUT veggies and be full for 6-7 hours, but the Subway left me feeling hungry an hour after I ate it.  This, to me, is the same as eating McDonalds.  I just got NOTHING but empty calories and zero vitamins from my "healthy choice" dinner and that means Subway is now banned.

It's funny how you don't notice these things until you start paying attention.  I've started paying attention to my body, my moods and how food makes me feel. 

After my post yesterday about the food that the world throws away I need to make some serious changes to what I eat and where I get it from.  The most difficult thing about wanting to do this is Jeff.  He couldn't care less about any of this and that is effecting the respect that I have for him.  How can he listen to the things that I'm telling him and still not care about anyone or anything but himself?  I get that bacon tastes good, but do you know what goes into that bacon you insist on eating?  Preservatives.  Do you know how that pig was raised?  How he/she was treated?  What he/she was fed?  What penicillin they gave him/her?  How he/she was killed?  How scared he/she was when he/she was killed?  How can you care so little about your body and health and care so little about the life that you are eating?  I just can't stomach a person that is given this information and still only cares about them self.

I want to plant a garden and have chickens in my backyard so I can have fresh eggs, I want to shop at local farmers markets and use home made products.  I didn't realize how hard it would be to share a life with someone that doesn't.


  1. Think of it this way - it took you nearly 29 years to make this decision re: healthy eating, etc, even though this information was available before. You had to reach a point in your life where you wanted to change. People don't like being told to change...in due time, it will likely come. Likely his eating habits have changed greatly since you began your health kick as that is what you are eating, so really, he's probably made great strides already without even knowing or realizing so. Hang in there and don't pressure him as that could cause worse issues...K

  2. That being said, maybe he might not eliminate meat entirely, but you may grow to accept it as his choice, and know that overall, he's still a good person. My mom is vegetarian but my dad isn't. It seems to work for them and I don't believe that food choices is an issue between them. He mostly eats what she prepares for meals and while out with friends and for restaurants, he then chooses non vegetarian foods. This is a lot more healthy and animal friendly than if he was eating meat at all meals when you think about it.

    1. You would think there would be more healthy decisions on that side of the household, but there isn't. I cook 2 different meals, so that means: 2 different pastas (doesn't like the brown pasta that I eat), 2 different pasta sauces (that's right, I have 4 pots going on my stove). The products that he uses vs. what I use are night and day, It's a fight about margarine (that is only ONE ingredient away from being plastic)and that is because he insists on using it for cooking when cooking for both of us - no matter how may times I have said I don't want that crap in my body. When shopping there are 2 different piles in the cart - Mine and his. Pretty odd, right? There is still dead animal in every one of his meals - there has been no change. I do accept his choices as he is an adult, but do I want to live with an adult that has values so drastically different from mine?

      I will write about this in future entries, but I do want to say this: I'm not against eating animal if you go out and kill a wild animal that isn't from a factory farm. I'm talking an animal that has no penicillin in it, has eaten and has lived the way that nature intended. I would eat meat if I could go out hunting and actually kill an animal, but sadly, I can't. This is why I've given up meat.

  3. Yikes, that makes it difficult.
    A few thoughts come to mind.
    I think that maybe you will become less incensed/passionate about the issue as it becomes normal to you and you may grow to accept the situation.

    I think that I would not be offering to cook a 2nd meal. If you did not prepare his white pasta, what would happen? Would he settle for the whole wheat and eat it anyways? Or would it start WW3?

    Can you look into purchasing organic animal meat from a reputable farmer?

    In terms of margarine, can you choose the healthiest one available for when he cooks? Like SmartBalance or PromisActiv?

    It's a tough situation and I hope you can come to some sort of balance. Can you imagine in the future having to explain why you ended a relationship? Because he ate meat/unhealthy. If this is the sole/main reason, then that might be something you would end up regretting.


  4. Hahahahahaha!! That would be pretty funny... and ridiculous. Great point about the 2 meals, I think I should put a stop to that. As for margarine, this has been ongoing for the last 5 years! I recently bought a butter dish so the butter would be soft and on our last trip there was no margarine - small victory!

  5. Oops, I should also say this: Organic meat costs too much and he won't pay for it.
